- Sector : Commerce | Market Place Investment Date : November 2019
- Founders : Mandeep Singh, Alex Loizou, Glen Walker C4 Ventures team : Boris
- Location : London, UK Website : www.trouva.com
What they do
For too long, discovery, inspiration and curation-led categories were missing from the e-commerce landscape. Trouva solves that by curating the world’s best independent boutiques and powering them with their proprietary software platform, handling everything from inventory management through to logistics, so that they can scale their offer online.
This way, brick-and-mortar shops are connected to a global customer base they wouldn’t otherwise have access to, and customers can shop expertly curated products that are otherwise hard to find.
We believe Trouva is at the forefront of the transformation of retail, one powered by inspiration & discovery, uniting the best of online and offline.
How we met
When Boris first reviewed Trouva’s deck, he found out that David Lindsay was an advisor. We enjoyed so much working with him at Net-A-Porter that we knew it could only bode well for Trouva! By the time we went to meet Mandeep and Alex in London we were so enthusiastic that we stayed for three hours discussing the business and vision!